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Ph. D. Students

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Prof. Biju V. Pillai

Ph.D. (1999) 

Designation:  Professor, Research Institute for
Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Japan 

Thesis:  Photoinduced Electron Transfer Processes in Fullerene-Aniline and Fullerene- Heteroaromatic Dyads


Dr. Binil I. Ipe

Ph.D. (2003) 

Designation:  Materials Process and Physics Engineer for Boeing Research and Technology, USA

Thesis:  Design and Studies of Some Chromophore Functionalized Metal Nanoparticles


Dr. James P. V.

Ph.D. (2006) 

Designation:  Research Scientist, Bostik, Wisconsin, USA  

Thesis:  Synthesis and photophysical studies of Phenyleneethynylene Based Molecular Systems

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Prof. Yoosaf K.

Ph.D. (2008) 

Designation: Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, India

Thesis:  Supramolecular Organization of Metal Nanoparticles in Solution and of Phenyleneethynelenes on Surfaces

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Dr. Vinayakan R.

Ph.D. (2009) 

Designation:  Assistant Professor, NSS Hindu College, Changanassery

Thesis:  Cadmium Selenide Based Core- Shell Quantum Dots for  Biosensing and Imaging Applications


Dr. Jino George

Ph.D. (2011) 

Designation:  Associate Professor,  Indian Institute of Science  Education and Research Mohali, India

Thesis: Chiroptical Properties of Hybrid Gold Nanostructures

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Dr. Jatish Kumar

Ph.D. (2012) 

Designation:  Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Tirupati, India

Thesis: Anisotropic Nanostructures and Their Applications in Surface Enhanced Spectroscopy

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Dr. Anoop Thomas

Ph.D. (2015) 

Designation:  Assistant Professor, IPC Department Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Thesis: Light Matter Interactions in  Chromophore Bound Metal and Semiconductor  Nanoparticles: From Strong Coupling to Electron Transfer

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Dr. Pratap Zalake

Ph.D. (2015) 


Thesis: Supramolecular organization of Phenyleneethynylenes: Role of Hydrogen Bonding and Host- Guest Interactions

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Dr. Sabnam Kar

Ph.D. (2018) 

Designation:  DST Women scientist, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

Thesis: Chiroptical Properties of Phenylalanine Conjugated Phenyleneethynylenes


Dr. Elizabeth Mariam Thomas

Ph.D. (2022) 

Designation: Postdoctoral Fellow, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Thesis: Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Blinking and Plasmon-Enhanced Photoluminescence 

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Dr. Swathi

Ph.D. (2022)


Thesis: Symmetry Breaking and Chiroptical Properties in Phenyleneethynylene based Molecular Systems 


Dr. Sujith M.

Ph.D. (2022) 

Designation: Postdoctoral Fellow, IISER Thiruvananthapuram 

Thesis: Chiroptical Properties in Molecules and Nanomaterials: From Ligand-Induced to Exciton-Coupled Chirality 


Dr. Sanoop M. S.

Ph.D. (2023) 

Designation:  Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Utah, USA

Thesis: Template Assisted Chiral Induction: From Struturally Induced Chirality to Exciton-Coupled Chirality

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Dr. Ajaykumar M. P.

Ph.D. (2024) 


Thesis: Plasmonic Nanostructures: Strong to Weak Coupling and Nanoscale Reactions

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Dr. Zeena S. Pillai

Ph.D. (2003) 

Designation:  Associate Professor, Chemistry, 
School of Arts and Science Amirtapuri Kerala, India 

Thesis:  Synthesis and Photophysical Studies of Some Switchable Hemicyanine Systems


Dr. Sudeep P. K.

Ph.D. (2004) 

Designation:  Cabot Microelectronics, Chicago, USA

Thesis:  Optical Investigations on the Clusters of Functionalized Fullerenes, Gold Nanospheres and Nanorods



Dr. Shibu Joseph S. T.

Ph.D. (2007) 

Designation: Assistant Professor, Fatima mata National College, Kerala, India 

Thesis:  Plasmon Coupling in Gold Nanorods



Dr. Pramod Pillai

Ph.D. (2008) 

Designation: Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, India

Thesis:  Optical Properties of Nanoparticle Decorated Gold Nanorods and Carbon Nanotubes


Dr. A. R. Ramesh

Ph.D. (2011) 

Designation:  Assistant Professor, Government Victoria College, Palakkad, India

Thesis: Self-Organization and Photophysical Investigation of  Phenyleneethynylenes

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Dr. Pratheesh V. Nair

Ph.D. (2011) 

Designation: Research staff, Advanced Molecular  Materials Research Centre (AMMRC), Mahatma  Gandhi University, Kottayam, India  

Thesis: Synthesis and photophysical properties of II-VI semiconductor nanostructures

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Dr. Shanthil M.

Ph.D. (2015) 

Designation: Assistant Professor, Government Victoria College, Palakkad, India

Thesis: Core-Shell Metal Nananostructures for Surface Enhanced Spectroscopy

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Dr. Subila K. B.

Ph.D. (2015) 

Designation: Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India

Thesis: Crystal Structure  Dependent Properties of Quantum Dots and Charge Transfer Interactions in Heterojunction Nanorods

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Dr. Reshmi Thomas

Ph.D. (2016) 

Designation: Development Editor - ACS Publication

Thesis: Plasmonically Active Nanoassemblies: Modulation of Electric  Field and Hybridization

(jointly with the guidance of Dr. R. S . Swathi) 

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Dr. Sandeep K.

Ph.D. (2018) 

Designation: Assistant Professor, Government Victoria College, Palakkad, India

Thesis: Modulation of Charge  Transfer and Photoluminescence of  CdSe Quantum Dots by Surface Engineering


Dr. Hemna Fathima

Ph.D. (2020) 

Designation:  Publishing editor - RSC Publication 

Thesis: Plasmonic Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Based Sensing


Dr. Reshma Mathew 

Ph.D. (2022) 

Designation: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Thesis: Ultrafast Structural Dynamics during Excited-State Proton Transfer: A Nonlinear Spectroscopic Perspective


Dr. Manoj B.

Ph.D. (2023) 

Designation: Assistant Professor, Christ University, Bangalore

Thesis: Exploration into Light Harvesting and CarrierDynamics in Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots


Dr. Vishnu E. K.

Ph.D. (2024) 

Designation: Postdoctoral Fellow,
The Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Germany

Thesis: Charge Carrier Dynamics in CdSe Nanocrystals: A Single-Particle Spectroscopy Perspective

BS-MS Students


Asma Sherin

BS-MS (2019 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, Florida State University, USA


Shraddha R. Bhat

MS (2022 Batch)



Aksshay N. R.

BS-MS (2018 Batch)

Designation: PhD Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA


Anjana P. S.

MS (2021 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, University of Minnesota, USA


Akshaya C.

BS-MS (2017 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA


Hiba Haneena K.

BS-MS (2017 Batch)

Designation:  PhD scholar, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, Italy


Divya P. S.

BS-MS (2016 Batch)

Designation: PhD Scholar, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany


Dr. Shahana Nizar N. S.

BS-MS (2015 Batch)

Designation: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institut de Science et d'ingenierie Supramoleculaires (ISIS), University of Strasbourg, France

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Lakshmy Priya A.

BS-MS (2015 Batch)

Designation: PhD Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA


Dr. Jishnu Das C.

BS-MS (2014 Batch)

Designation: LTD Module Development Engineer, Intel Corporation

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 Dr. Preethi Susan Mathew

BS-MS (2013 Batch)

Designation: Packing and R&D Engineer, Intel Corporation


 Aswin Krishna R. C.   

BS-MS (2013 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands


Akhila S.          

BS-MS (2012 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Bangalore, India


Dr. Dinumol Devasia        

BS-MS (2011 Batch)

Designation:  TD module and Integration Yield Engineer, Intel Corporation


Dr. Athira George

BS-MS (2010 Batch)

Designation:  Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School


Dr. Saranya P. S. 

BS-MS (2008 Batch)

Designation:  Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University


Lakshmi P.

BS-MS (2019 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, University of California, Berkeley, USA


Abhijith S.

BS-MS (2018 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, University of Rochester, USA


Amrutha Rajan

BS-MS (2018 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Sara Rose Mathew

MS (2020 Batch)



Divesh Nazar

BS-MS (2017 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, Bowling Green State University,  USA


Sreelekshmi V.

BS-MS (2016 Batch)

Designation: PhD Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA


Joel G. Reji

BS-MS (2016 Batch)

Designation: PhD Scholar, Indian Institute of science education and research Thiruvananthapuram, India


Nandita Mohandas

BS-MS (2015 Batch)

Designation: PhD Scholar, TIFR Hyderabad, India


Swathi Krishna

BS-MS (2014 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen- Nürnberg, Germany


Anupriya E. S.

BS-MS (2014 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA


 Dr. Mahima Unnikrishnan

BS-MS (2013 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA


Dr. Nila Mohan T. M. 

BS-MS (2012 Batch)

Designation: Process Engineer, RTP Sustaining R&D, Applied Materials

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Dr. Sanoop M. S.                       

BS-MS (2011 Batch)

Designation: PhD scholar, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram, India


Vishnu Anand

BS-MS (2010 Batch)

Designation:  Student at IIM, Rohtak, India


Neeraj Kumar

BS-MS (2010 Batch)

Designation:  ____



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